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Monday, April 4, 2011


Well there's a LOT to it  - but then again, it's not as hard as you think...

I heard a funny anectdote while meeting with my new writer for dinner last night - her work is going to blow you away! 

She's with a friend at the local book store and marveling at ALL of the books - so I've just copied/pasted this from a FB POST


I heard something last night that REALLY rang true and it was a combination of wisdom, common sense and humour - one aspiring author is speaking to another in a book store - and one says: the only difference between these books and ours - THEY ARE FINISHED!


There's a little more to it than that - and I was lucky and got a BIG ADVANCE for my book so getting it published was a SURE THING - doubt that will happen for a first time writer - BUT if you want to be published - then you have to pick a topic, write, write, and write some more - edit and then write some more - pick a starting and stopping point!  And FINISH!  Then worry about the rest of it...

I was signed to turn in 180 pages...6 months in - I was OVERDUE - they said, "What you can't write 180 pages in 6 months? I was like - sure, but I'm at almost 400 pages and NOT even close to finished.

I literally cranked out over 656 pages (not including intro, dedications, etc) and SKIPPED two levels of Edittors - Thanks to Dr. Ben Fisher at the Univ of MS - my English teacher and mentor that didn't put up with sub-par work - he demanded PERFECTION and that's why he got FIRST THANKS in MY BOOK!


Steve @ MSO