Yes, yes, yes - we're making some moves on our own musical home front!
Steve Moore has now released his album/CD/record on BAND CAMP!

We'll soon have all of High Cotton Records Music as well as Steve Moore's singles available on ALL DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION SITES - so be on the LOOK OUT FOR "HIGH COTTON RECORD MERIDIAN COMPILATION CD as well!
You can check out our FACEBOOK PAGE at this LINK: HIGH COTTON RECORDS
Just search for Steve Moore & the New South or High Cotton Records!
You can also visit our new WEBSITES!
Music Square One
High Cotton Records
And Steve is working on his new WEBSITE for "Steve Moore & the New South" -
We may update the OLD "THE COWBOY KILLERS" site - but due to TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT ISSUES - by OTHER BANDS that do NOT have the right to use that name - we're NOT ABANDONING THAT MARK - but choose not to deal with it via the Lanham Act at this time - but we'll get getting around to it - as there's also a Square One Music site that's infringing on Music Square One's Mark as well! Hope these guys have brushed on their Trademark Law - but I guess if they missed out on Law School - well then they'll be looking at some SERIOUS ATTORNEY'S FEE - and my attorney is FREE!
More info to come - in the meantime - please enjoy our music on BAND CAMP -
Coming soon to CD BABY, and possibly TOP SPIN, and possibly more!
Of course you can visit our REVERBNATION ACCOUNTS for HIGH COTTON RECORDS, STEVE MOORE & THE NEW SOUTH as well as "THE COWBOY KILLERS" for STREAMING MUSIC and/or to Buy on iTunes etc
Steve Moore, B.A. J.D. Author of "The Truth about the Music Business" -
Buy the BOOK at this LINK to AMAZON!