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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Netflix and the Long Tail is it getting shorter?

Long Tail Marketing – the Future! Not any more. And that was the real trick as Netflix used to say one could get over 30,000 title and 10,000 “STREAMING” movies over the internet as part of your service – but nobody had an internet ready TV of Blu-Ray player.

But all that’s changed, more and more people are moving from their computers to their internet ready devices and now Netflix is complaining about Hollywood asking TOO much money for streams and of course, in reaction to ALL of this they have now reduced the number of streaming titles to something you can almost search through in less than an hour.

Are Joost, Hulu and other streaming services along with others that are now offering streaming movies hurting Netflix? You BET! Are they hurting them bad? Not really as many people may have bought the Blu-Ray players that hook up to your TV and are configured with your wireless router assuming people can sort that out – or if they don’t have an SSID (secured router such that the neighbors can piggy back along) or even some have bought internet ready TV’s but most people are not THAT tech savvy and don’t know that they can run a simple DVI/HDMI out and hook that up direct to most NEWER TV – or in the worst case, they can run a simple S-Video out of their existing Video Card from the back of their computer – but what about the AUDIO? Simple enough; just take a splitter for 16mm pin and run a wire from your sound card direct to the audio input of your TV unless of course you watch TV or MOVIES from your computer. And that was the case with Netflix a long time ago, as you had to KNOW how to get both Audio and Video to your TV – if you didn’t want to watch from your laptop or your computer.

As more and more content is available online and as your TV merges into your iPad, or other Devices along with internet ready TV devices – having just the major Brand options on your TV won’t mean much in the coming years as more and more companies are going to be offering streaming services and the company that merges your computer to your TV the FASTEST with NO RESTRTAINTS are going to way ahead of the pack and as more and more CONTENT is streamed, Hollywood is going to be faced with the same decision as the music business.

And let us not forget that Comcast has bought out NBC – so they’ll be getting in on the Content Game as they at Comcast are already cutting back on your ISP Baud Rates – mine has dropped down to at least 10 Kpbs down instead of my 28 Kpbs that I once had. Is it because of Bit Torrent – NO – it’s because of Netflix and other streaming services like Pandora! I guess you CAN’T have it ALL like they say….